Jumat, 18 April 2008

ready stoc ask to rpl,by mxlog,fufenu,B-Phreak Team.

buat repair gdfs hp se db2020,2012.....

LOG supreme SE Ultimate Unlocker / D-Ultimate Unlocke

Harga Supreme Credit untuk END USER

1 Log @ 190.000 ==> Bisa untuk 3 x Repair (level 1)
3 Log @ 185.000 ==> Bisa untuk 12 x Repair (level 2)
5 Log @ 180.000 ==> Bisa untuk 25 x Repair (level 3)
10 Log @ 175.000 ==> Bisa untuk 66 x Repair (level 4)

log se tool

With SE Tool Logs files, Setool users can flash / unlock with flash patch ALL cid49 / 50 / 51, DB2012 / DB2020 phones. Sony Ericsson remote flashing for new and old phones
For DB2020 and PNX5230 flashing & phone code resetting

Paket A. Kalkulasi RPL BB5 via juwanacell by : http://www.allgsmcode.com/
ready now rpl BB51x16 jam...

lain dari pada yg lain silahkan di coba kalkulasi hanya 1x16>>malah biasa gak sampai, cuma 1jam dapt balasan rpl..gak kalah dgn rpl24 dan lainya >>>harga standard gak pakai mahalhanya>>>

1 Rpl Rp .200.000

3 Rpl Rp. 190.000

5 Rpl Rp .180.000

10 rpl rp. 170.000

and user klo mau kalkulasi juga bisa caranya gampang>>



Pakai:- Login- Pilih Service Files Logs


- Akan muncul tulisan : 9 Credits required This service will take Instant To 16 Hours to process your order==> pastikan 9 credit bukan 15 credit

- Tekan ORDER, lalu browse file dan SUBMIT

semua support ask read dari box apapun dss bb5logger no problemUntuk reseller yg mau membuat account reseller bisa juga and monggo boss>>ready juga rpl dct4,wd2,asic11>>>

- Transfer ke rek
==> BCA 8940135941 ,richard kiyoto
- Setelah transfer konfirmasi via YM or bs sms lansung yang ditransfer dan paket apa yg diambil.

kredit ub unifersal box ready

« on: March 04, 2008, 02:05:07 AM »

Kredit UB sudah dapat diisi disini..

Caranya Gampang.. Hanya memberi tau user name anda saat anda register box anda.

Minimal Order 100Kredit.
Bisa Sistem Deposit 1000kredit. Harga lbh murah tentunya..
Reseller Welcome..!!

Kamis, 17 April 2008


GPRS/MMS Setting for NOKIA Series

This setting are use for Indosat Mentari Setting but it’s available too for other cellular operator, just change it depend on their default setting such as: Internet setting name: , GPRS acces poin name: , Proxy server: , Port number:

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GPRS/MMS Setting for Sony Ericsson Series

his setting are use for Indosat Mentari Setting but it’s available too for other cellular operator, just change it depend on their default setting such as: Internet setting name: , GPRS acces poin name: , Proxy server: , Port number: ,

sony-ericsson-j300.pdf, sony-ericsson-k320.pdf, sony-ericsson-k530.pdf, sony-ericsson-k550.pdf, sony-ericsson-k608.pdf, sony-ericsson-k610.pdf, sony-ericsson-k700.pdf, sony-ericsson-m600.pdf, sony-ericsson-w550.pdf, sony-ericsson-w880.pdf, sony-ericsson-z300.pdf, sony-ericsson-z610.pdf

Free Download Area

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[dir] SETool721.1 MB2007-Nov-30
[dir] Smart-Clip6.4 GB2007-Nov-30
[dir] UST_Pro2403.9 MB2008-Feb-13
[dir] Ve_Pro0.0 B2008-Jan-22